Environmental Forum

  • Gomilevskaya G.A.

    Director of the International Institute of Environment and Tourism of the VSUES. Vladivostok. Russia


International Environmental Forum "Biodiversity Conservation in Asia-Pacific: 50 years of the UNESCO Program "Man and Bio-
sphere (MAB), "which took place from March 29 to April 1, 2022 at the Vlas site Divystok State University of Economics and Service, appeared
a platform for representatives of science, government, business and public dineniy, conducting dialogue and exchange of experience with authoritative experts in the areas-environmental protection, regulatory and legal protection biodiversity, conservation and sustainable development of natural areas riy, ecological tourism, environmental education and promotion of general
environmental initiatives.
The central theme of the discussion platform is the conservation strategy of biodegrad-nomenclature and environmental protection in the Far Eastern region of Russia and Asia-Pacific countries.